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Athletic Department initiates on No Texting While Driving policy

Athletic Department initiates on No Texting While Driving policy

MEQUON, Wis. -- Throughout the coming year the Concordia University Wisconsin Department of Athletics will commit itself to reducing distracted driving, specifically texting and driving. A Rhode Island College study found 'eight out of 10 students text and drive'. In 2010, 3,092 people died in crashes involving a distracted driver and an estimated additional 416,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver. The most likely age group to be involved in accidents related to distracted driving are people18-27 years old. This year we are asking everyone at CUW, specifically student-athletes, coaches and administrative personnel to commit to helping us educate our campus and reduce texting and driving.

CUW's Department of Athletics will undergo a social media campaign utilizing our student-athletes. CUW is also planning other promotional activities for members of the campus community who commit to not texting while driving. While this is only one aspect of 'distracted driving', it increasingly affects college age students. Many of us have been affected by deaths, or seriously injured teens and or college aged students, that have occurred due to distracted driving. We believe we can positively influence driving behaviors through everyone's leadership.