Athletic Director's Letter: Thanks for supporting the Falcons
Falcon Fans,
On behalf of the Athletic Department, coaches and student-athletes I would like to offer you our heartfelt thanks for your attendance at the men's basketball game Tuesday night at Lakeland College. I realize that not every Falcon fan could attend, but we should all be very proud of those that made the effort. The Muskie home court advantage was mitigated by your volume, enthusiasm and sportsmanship. This school year we have seen a concerted effort by the fan base to become more engaged, as evidenced by the increase in fan attendance and support for our student-athletes and coaches. Please know that your efforts are not going unobserved and your backing means a great deal to the student-athletes, coaches and support staff. I encourage you all to continue this trend Thursday night and going forward through the spring season. Go Falcons.
Dr. Rob Barnhill
Director of Athletics