Directions and Campus Map (CUW is a dog free campus)
Directions from Green Bay, Wis.
- Go South on I-43.
- Take Cedarburg Exit #89 (Pioneer Road, County Hwy. C). Turn right from the exit, then turn left at Port Washington Road (Cty W - stoplight with Mobile Gas station on northeast corner). Travel to Highland Road (2 miles). Turn left and go over I-43, Concordia University Wisconsin will be on the left.
- Go East on I-94 to I-43 (distance 72.2 miles). Go North on I-43 (distance 14.1 miles).
- Take Mequon Road Exit #85. Turn left from the exit, go under I-43 and then turn right at Port Washington Road. Head north for 2 miles and then turn right at Highland Road. Go over I-43 and Concordia University Wisconsin will be on your left
Directions from Germantown, Hartford and surrounding area
- Take Mequon Road east and turn left on Hwy 181 (Wauwatosa Road - also known as 76th St in Milwaukee). Continue to Highland Road (will be crossing Freistadt Road - stoplight).
- Turn right onto Highland Road and continue to Concordia University Wisconsin.
Directions from Chicago, Ill.
- Head northbound on I-94 WEST (Portions toll) passing by Waukegan, IL to Wisconsin. (distance 23.3 miles) Go West on I-94 WEST towards Milwaukee, WI to I-43 North (Exit 310). (distance 37.7 miles) Go North on I-43 NORTH. (distance 14.1 miles).
- Take Mequon Road Exit #85. Turn left from the exit, go under I-43 and then turn right at Port Washington Road. Head north for 2 miles and then turn right at Highland Road. Go over I-43 and Concordia University Wisconsin will be on your left.