Football announces date for 16th Annual Golf Outing
16th Annual Falcon Football Golf Outing Registration Form
MEQUON, Wis. – Concordia University Wisconsin's football head coach Greg Etter announced the details of the 16th Annual Falcon Football Golf Outing. The outing is scheduled for July 27 and will take place at West Bend Lakes Golf Club in West Bend, Wis.
The outing will feature an 11 a.m. shotgun start with registration beginning at 9:30 a.m. Registration is $140 per golfer and includes lunch, dinner and contest holes.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three flights. Following the golfing, a silent auction and raffle drawings will be given to the highest bidder and lucky winners.
To register for the event, download the PDF linked at the top of this page. Mail-in instructions are attached to the form.
For more information, contact CUW associate head coach Jeff Walker at