NACC Announces 2020-21 Scholar-Athletes
MEQUON, Wis. – The Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference has recognized over 2,000 full-time student-athletes as scholar-athletes for the 2020-21 academic year.
Student-athletes competing in the conference must maintain a grade point average of 3.25 or higher for the academic year to be eligible for the honor. Each academic year stands by itself for the determination of this award.
Concordia Wisconsin finished the year with a school-record of 250 student-athletes claiming the Scholar-Athlete Award.
The list of Concordia Wisconsin Student-Athletes to claim the honor.
Cole Aguirre, Baseball
James Althoff, Men's Volleyball
Madelyn Alton, Women's Volleyball
Sterling Armstrong, Baseball
Alex Armstrong, Men's Basketball
Ben Armstrong, Men's Basketball
Hannah Baneck, Women's Tennis
LaNea Bartel, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Nikki Becker, Softball
Lucas Berth, Men's Soccer
Hannah Beyer, Women's Lacrosse
Nathan Bilan, Men's Tennis
Luke Billehus, Men's Lacrosse
Nate Bloxdorf, Men's Basketball
Hannah Boettcher, Women's Basketball
Kelsey Bollon, Softball
Morgan Bolz, Women's Soccer
Jason Borchert, Men's Lacrosse
Drew Boyter, Football
Blake Breon, Baseball
Jeffrey Brezonick, Football
Lexi Bridenhagen, Softball
Wesley Brouillard, Men's Basketball
Isaac Bruins, Men's Tennis
Aubrey Buchholtz, Women's Basketball
Ricki Budewitz, Women's Tennis
Justin Cabrera, Football
Gideon Cain, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Samuel Campbell, Football
Amy Carpenter, Women's Golf
Xavier Centeio, Football
Clara Chambers, Women's Basketball
Jenna Chaussee, Women's Volleyball
Andrew Chester, Men's Soccer
Madison Chiappetta, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Erika Christiansen, Women's Volleyball
Siri Claybaugh, Women's Soccer
Sophia Collins, Women's Volleyball
Jacob Couillard, Football
Courtney Cozen, Women's Volleyball
Rebecca Curley, Women's Golf
Megan Curran, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Anika Czekala, Women's Tennis
Travis Damazio, Football
James Day, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Keijo Day, Men's Lacrosse
Nicole Demlow, Women's Volleyball
Kennan DeShambo, Men's Basketball
Luke Dierlam, Men's Basketball
Josh Dinkelman, Men's Volleyball
Payton Dorn, Women's Golf
Isabel Downs, Women's Soccer
Tyler Drezak, Baseball
Emma Druckmiller, Women's Volleyball
Joshua Dudek, Baseball
Christian Dufresne, Football
Sean Durand, Baseball
William Ebel, Men's Cross Country, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Hannah Ebel, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Olivia Eggert, Women's Lacrosse
Andy Ellingham, Men's Volleyball
Sydney Erdmann, Softball
Blaine Evers, Women's Volleyball
Cody Faber, Men's Golf
Derrick Folkman, Men's Cross Country, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Gina Followell, Softball
Kristen Fontana, Softball
Rachel Frerking, Women's Volleyball
Joel Frizzell, Football
Abigale Fruend, Women's Soccer
Eliana Fuchs, Women's Lacrosse
Kyle Fuller, Men's Lacrosse
Jack Fulling, Men's Basketball
Naomi Gahan, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Gabby Gaziano, Softball
Megan Gerner, Women's Basketball
Colleen Gilligan, Women's Lacrosse
Gilberto Gomez, Men's Soccer
Anna Gong, Women's Soccer
Blake Gosswein, Baseball
Alden Goucher, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Ryan Green, Baseball
Charlotte Groth, Women's Lacrosse
Nicole Grove, Softball
Naomi Gruben, Women's Soccer
Yannik Gruner, Football
Ryan Guenterberg, Football
Mallory Gurin, Women's Lacrosse
Johannes Haakenson, Baseball
Kylie Haarmann, Women's Soccer
Emily Hafemann, Women's Basketball
Daniel Hahn, Baseball
Zech Hans, Men's Basketball
Michelle Hanson, Softball
Donovan Harper, Men's Lacrosse
Preus Hasselbrook, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Karoline Haugland, Women's Soccer
Calie Hiegel, Women's Volleyball
Micah Hill, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Hannah Himmelman, Women's Volleyball
Josh Hoffman, Men's Basketball, Football
Garrett Hoffmann, Men's Basketball
Josh Horst, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Eleanor Horst, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Tim Houlihan, Football
Brogan Howard, Football
Jack Hribernik, Baseball
Cade Jahns, Baseball
Drew Johnson, Baseball
Jordan Johnson, Men's Basketball
Jared Jurss, Men's Basketball
Gabriella Kaebisch, Women's Volleyball
Maycee Karpfinger, Women's Volleyball
Grant Karsten, Men's Basketball
Brandon Keller, Men's Basketball
Abby Kerrins, Softball
Konnor Kingsmore, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Josh Klement, Men's Tennis
Nick Klemm, Men's Golf
Ryan Klug, Men's Cross Country, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Jacob Klumb, Men's Cross Country, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Matthew Korman, Men's Volleyball
Connor Krauseneck, Baseball
Arianna Krueger, Women's Soccer
Josh Kruse, Men's Basketball
Amanda Kugel, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Taylor Kuske, Softball
Katie Lacerda, Women's Soccer
Jordan Lafferty, Women's Soccer
Dalton Lardinois, Football
Tristan Largent, Baseball
Zach Larsen, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Mackenzie Larsen, Women's Soccer, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Paul Leahy, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Sierra Lee, Women's Volleyball
Ryan Lefebvre, Men's Lacrosse
Matt LeVene, Men's Basketball
Kailey Lewis, Women's Soccer
Brenden Lewison, Men's Basketball
Simon Liljegren, Football
James Linn, Football
Evan Lischka, Football
Alex Loding, Football, Men's Lacrosse
Dylan Loftus, Men's Lacrosse
Austin Lopez, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Zach Lutz, Baseball
Leah Maas, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Honey Rose Macatuno, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Michael Machamer, Baseball
John Marcquen, Men's Basketball
Sage McDaniel, Women's Soccer
Allison McElwee, Women's Soccer
Lexington McKillips, Women's Volleyball
Reid McNeill, Football
Megan McPike, Women's Lacrosse
Drew Mickelson, Football
Jennifer Mies, Women's Tennis
Nick Mirasola, Football
Tyler Moilanen, Baseball
Sylias Montgomery, Football
Sabrina Moore, Women's Soccer
Dan Nelson, Men's Lacrosse
Cade Neubauer, Men's Basketball
Hannah Neymeyer, Women's Basketball
Brandon Niedfeldt, Baseball
Olivia Niego, Women's Lacrosse
McKenna Nigl, Women's Volleyball
Jackson Nosrati, Men's Lacrosse
Isaac Ober, Men's Lacrosse
Reagan Obry, Women's Basketball
Kat Oryszczyn, Women's Lacrosse
Sawyer Otto, Football
Isaiah Palmquist, Football
Breven Palpallatoc, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field, Football
Gabrielle Pavlik, Women's Volleyball
Glenn Pearce, Football
Auden Pearson, Women's Tennis
Joshua Peterson, Men's Cross Country, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Jason Pietrusiewicz, Football
Lindsay Pluister, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Kelsey Powers, Softball
Jenna Pozezinski, Softball
Ayana Ramberg, Women's Volleyball
Jack Ramstack, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Lincoln Reichl, Football
Ethan Reis, Men's Basketball
Lauren Rich, Women's Volleyball
Morgan Richards, Women's Volleyball
Olivia Richter, Women's Volleyball
Brenden Rindhage, Baseball
Rosa Roloff, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Catherine Romine, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Anna Rousseau, Women's Golf
Sam Runyan, Men's Soccer
Tyler Ryan, Football
Kaitlynn Sabish, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Tyler Salvador, Men's Soccer
Kayla Samann, Women's Golf
Ashley Samuta, Women's Tennis, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Richard Schaefer, Men's Cross Country, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Emma Schlie, Women's Volleyball
Jacob Schmidt, Men's Soccer
Halli Schneiderwendt, Women's Soccer
Aliciah Schroeder, Women's Tennis
Savannah Schweiger, Women's Lacrosse
Cody Sciabica, Men's Volleyball
Krystofer Selega, Men's Soccer
John Sherman, Men's Golf
Josh Shull, Men's Soccer
Christian Smith, Men's Lacrosse
Zach Smith, Men's Volleyball
Lindsey Smitsdorff, Women's Basketball
Samual Spranger, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Megan Sprinkman, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Sophia Stanke, Women's Basketball
Kaeley Sterkel, Women's Soccer
Troy Stewart, Football
Christina Stinson, Women's Volleyball
Connor Stoming, Football
Paul Sueydel, Men's Soccer
Ashley Swihart, Women's Soccer
Camryn Szolyga, Women's Basketball
Madeline Taubenheim, Women's Basketball
Adam Taylor, Football
Aubrey Thiede, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Austin Thur, Men's Basketball
Dane Tischendorf, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Alex Tomich, Women's Soccer
Alex Tran, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Juliana Van Boxtel, Women's Soccer
Abigail Van Rixel, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Makenzie Vertz, Women's Volleyball
Erin Viergutz, Women's Basketball
Eli Wallace, Football
Alex Walton, Women's Volleyball
Jacob Waryck, Baseball
Jacob Waryck, Football
Cole Werning, Men's Tennis
Mattson Wick, Men's Soccer
Wyatt Wilderman, Men's Golf
Beau Wills, Baseball
Grace Wilshire, Women's Soccer
Paige Winterfeldt, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Anessa Yim, Women's Cross Country, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Jenna Zahorik, Women's Indoor Track & Field, Women's Outdoor Track & Field
Isaac Zahrt, Men's Indoor Track & Field, Men's Outdoor Track & Field
Carsten Zange, Men's Golf
Ashley Zappa, Softball
Sam Zarling, Baseball
Joey Zietlow, Men's Basketball