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Sedo, Stinson help on New Orleans mission trip

Sedo, Stinson help on New Orleans mission trip

MEQUON, Wis. -- Concordia Wisconsin Women's Volleyball players Haley Sedo and Cristina Stinson recently when on a spring break trip to New Orleans to help clean up the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina from 2005. The two worked on cleaning up and rebuilding a house because the family was devasted financially from the storm. There were other groups that helped renovate community centers and other areas of the city.

"To be honest I cannot put into words how much this experience meant to me," Stinson expressed. "I did learn something about myself that I did not realize in the beginning and that was the genuine happiness that I felt while I was helping others, even though I probably will never meet them. I was not expecting anything in return while doing this trip, but ended up receiving joy."

The two didn't go through a class at Concordia Wisconsin but volunteered their own time to help others.