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Photo by Sam Dunn
Photo by Sam Dunn

From player to coach: Radue's impact great for Falcons Softball

On Saturday, the Concordia University Wisconsin Softball team will honor a Senior Class that has made a tremendous impact on the program.  Jamie Reiser and Allison Peters are two seniors who have helped lead the Falcons to 99 wins over the last four years with their play on the field.

The Falcons have a third senior that has played just as big of a role in the team's success over the past four seasons: graduate assistant coach Kaitlin Radue. Radue, who entered as a player with Peters and Reiser, decided after one year to help the team in a different role, as a member of the Falcons the coaching staff.

Radue, a Wisconsin High School All-Star game participant her senior year, joined the 2015 Falcons to provide depth in the outfield. She appeared in 29 games for the team, scoring 12 runs and stealing three bases.

Following her freshman year, Radue had a decision to make on whether she wanted to continue as a player. As an Occupational Therapy major, Radue had to juggle a busy schedule. Certainly, she could still help the Falcons on the field – her base running and outfield abilities would be a valuable asset to any team – but she decided the spring of 2015 was going to be her last in a uniform. Still, she wanted to be a part of the program and help in any way she could: a decision that proved invaluable to the Falcons future success. 

"Kaitlin played and did a phenomenal job as both a part-time player and a base stealer her freshman year," said head coach Steve Crook. "During our next fall season, she asked if there were any other ways she could help and has been a blessing for us ever since."

The plan was for Radue to serve as a manager, but Crook and assistant coach Patrick Steele soon realized they had much more in the hard-working former player. They had someone who could help coaching the outfielders, help players with their base running, and just be an all-around asset to the program.

"We quickly learned what an asset Kaitlin would be," stated Crook on the realization that he had another outstanding assistant on staff. "It started off as a manager role, but she quickly made her impact as a baserunning coach and has taken over much of the outfield work over the past few years."

Radue was able to use what she picked in her first season as a player with the Falcons and help other players in their collegiate softball careers. The fact that she had recently gone through what it takes to be a player with the program has only made her a strong assistant coach.

"Kaitlin relates so well to our players," said Crook. "She is able to develop them at their pace and help them understand what it means to be a Falcon."

Radue also serves in a Director of Operations type role with the Falcons. She handles many of the operations for the teams' road trips, all while helping the team prepare for games and continuing the rigorous coursework as an Occupational Therapy graduate student.

The players on the Falcons appreciate what Radue has done for the program. Stepping away from the game is not an easy decision for any player, but the Valders, Wisconsin native made sure she would still be able to help in the sport she grew up loving. Her former teammates who entered as the same freshman class in the fall of 2014 have taken notice.

"Kaitlin has always done an amazing job helping the team," said Peters, a senior outfielder from Elk Grove, Illinois. "She always puts the team first and does her very best to make us better every day. She will do amazing things in the future and I thank her from the bottom of my heart for everything that she has done for the CUW Softball program."

Reiser, a senior from Ingleside, Illinois echoed those sentiments, stating: "Kaitlin is downright amazing. She has so much love for our program and there is never a doubt she puts the team first in everything she does. She no doubt has a large impact on this team as a leader and the CUW Softball program will greatly miss her next year."

Those are the thoughts of two players on someone who has given so much to the Falcons Softball family. We're guessing if you asked any player who has put on a CUW uniform over the past four years, they would share similar thoughts. Crook certainly does.

"Kaitlin truly embodies Concordia University Wisconsin athletics and all we stand for," expressed Crook. "She is a great Christian person, hardworking, and has made a great impact on our program."

The Falcons surely hit a home run with Radue and the 2018 Concordia University Wisconsin Softball Senior Class.