Falcon kickers rebound with 4-3 upset win

Falcon kickers rebound with 4-3 upset win

Lake Forest, IL

The bus ride home from Lake Forest was a happy one last night as the Falcon women's soccer squad celebrated a 4-3 win over a Forrester team that brought a 6-1-0 record into the match.

Becky Ott scored first for CUW on an unassisted goal by dribbling through several defenders in the 3rd minute of the game.

Four minutes later, Kelly Sippel blasted home a powerful score off an Ott assist.

The score remained 2-0 until Kelli Wittenberg outworked the defense for another Falcon score in the 60th minute.

Lake Forest scored off a corner to make it 3-1 but Ryan Middendorf's team answered quickly with a goal by Lauren Straehler. The hosts put in 2 late goals but the Falcons held on.

"Lake Forest is a quality team," beamed CUW coach Ryan Middendorf. "I believe we caught them off-guard just a bit at the beginning of the match with some tremendous individual efforts. We definitely took steps forward today. We're excited to get back on the field Saturday for a conference match against BU on Saturday."