Now that’s more like it!

Now that’s more like it!


Concordia broke from a 2-2 halftime tie to roar past St. Norbert 6-3 yesterday at Fitting Field, evening CUW's non conference record at 1-1.

The Green Knights, defending Midwest Conference Champions with most starters returning, got an early goal from Stephanie Gatyas to take at 1-0 lead only six minutes into the contest. Freshman Lauren Straehler, who managed her first CUW hat trick, scored sixteen miniutes later when her shot glanced off the post and in. St. Norbert's Kelly Knudson and CUW's Kelli Wittenberg traded scores before halftime to create the mid-match stalemate.

Straehler's second goal gave the Falcons their first lead ten minutes into the second half but Gatyas tied it at 74:22. The remainder of the match was all CUW as Hannah Brehmer, Straehler, and Becky Ott each found the back of the net. After missing several golden scoring opportunities against UW-Whitewater one day earlier, the Falcons finished off what they started in this match. Straehler was an amazing 3-3 on her shot attempts as CUW buried 6 of 14 shots on goal.