Falcon season ends with semi-final  loss to #1 UW-River Falls

Falcon season ends with semi-final loss to #1 UW-River Falls

Concordia (13-11-4) battled to the buzzer, but in the end it was undefeated UW-River Falls (24-0-4) that prevailed in the NCHA conference tournament semi-final Friday.

The final two minutes of the second period proved to be CUW's ultimate undoing.

The victors' initial score had been neutralized by Concordia's Hilary Christianson at 16:29 of the second period on an assist by Alisha Java.

In short order the talented hosts answered TWICE before the end of the period to take a 3-1 lead.

Jim Ingman's never-say-die skaters got a goal from Sarah Cole (assisted by April Forar) 2:48 into the third session to make it just a 3-2 deficit.

Then the Nation's #1 team put the game away with a pair of scores, including an empty netter in the final second.

CUW goalie Lea Jondal was cerdited with 32 saves while the hosts' Cassi Campbell turned away 21 Falcon shots.