Gustavus pulls a repeat over CUW women

Gustavus pulls a repeat over CUW women

Ozaukee Ice Center

When the light next goes on over an opponent's net, coach Jim Ingman and his Concordia hockey team should not be flagged for excessive celebration.

CUW has gone the most recent 140 minutes without scoring against top notch competition, falling yesterday to Gustavus Adolphus at the Ozaukee Ice Center by a 6-0 score.

The talented visitors scored twice in the first period and three times in the second session to remove all possibility of a Concordia upset.

Gustavus outshot CUW 45-15 as they improved to 2-0-0 on the season while dropping CUW to 0-3-0. Katie Hirsch was strong in goal for Concordia with 39 saves.