Falcon women edge Dubuque 73-68


A balanced offensive attack and hawking defense were the keys to a 73-68 win for CUW (1-1) over Dubuque Saturday afternoon in Platteville.

Melanie Kulibert (16); Tiff Hendrickson (13); Becky Gifford (12); and Kendall Kerns (10) all reached double figures for Stacey Brunner's squad which shot a sizzling 50% (29-58) for the game.
Kulibert, steadily regaining last season's form after returning from injury, had 4 steals as did Gifford.

Freshman Anna Butler was 4-4 from the line while adding 8 crucial points to the CUW tally.

"I was proud of how our younger players handled the ups and downs of the game," said Coach Brunner. "They did not fold under the pressure and as they get better individually, we will get improve collectively."