To my biggest fan Shannon

To my biggest fan Shannon

Written by CUW Softball's Allison Peters to her sister Shannon.

To my biggest fan Shannon,

From the very beginning, you have always been there for me. You helped guide me through life, you pushed me to be the best I could be, and you never gave up on me or my dreams. You are a strong leader and people look up to you, most importantly, I look up to you. Then the day came where you left for Quincy University to pursue your dreams and become a role model for so many others. I remember that day as if it was yesterday, you moving into your new dorm room and starting the next chapter in your life. Your goal was always to help others and make them be the best they could be. You always put everyone above yourself and that is why I know you would have been amazing at teaching the youth about American Sign Language and music. I remember visiting you and watching you interpret the Star Spangled Banner at a home football game and just seeing the glow in your eyes and the smile on your face. I knew right there, that was God's plan for you.

Once you returned from your first semester away, all you did was teach Jackie and me about anything Sign Language related. We had a blast that winter from family parties to quality time together, that is what I cherish every day. Then you left again to return to school to continue on in this amazing adventure, but little did I know that when we left the next day my whole world was going to change.

January 7th, a day that I wish never happened. We just dropped you off at school the previous day, I was sitting at home when the phone kept ringing, and ringing, and ringing. We had no idea who it was that was trying to get a hold of us, but man do I wish I answered the phone sooner. Our mother took the phone and frantically yelled: "Shannon just got hit by a car!" All that went through my head was are you ok, and could I have possibly lost one of my best friends that day? We had no answers.

My parents drove the six hours to Quincy that night and did not return for what seemed like forever. We had finals that week, which my teachers excused our sister and me from so we could come down to see you. Gosh, let me tell you that was the hardest thing to ever see in my life. Seeing you there lifeless, with ventilators and wires all around you and some crazy wrap thing around your head to manage the pressure that was going in and out.

Our parents took Jackie and me into the hospital corridor that they have been staying in for the past week or so, and told us that we have to say our goodbyes to you in case you did not make it because the outcomes did not look good.  So we walked back into your room, I walked right next to your head and whispered in your ear, "keep on fighting, I cannot lose you, I love you." With that I left the room, I could not bear seeing you like that when I know how full of life you are. The prayers and my wishes were answered by a higher power and definitely some guardian angels because your cerebral fluid started to return to normal and the thought of losing you slowly drifted away.

It was a long while before you actually opened your eyes again, but you did. Over the course of your injury you had the doctors thinking that you would never be able to walk, or talk, or basically do anything ever again, but man did you prove them wrong! You have come so far, you have instilled light and hope in the midst of the darkness. You persevered, you proved them wrong, and you are able to do everything they said you would not be able to do.

You have come to mostly every single home softball game here at Concordia, and you know how you got here…by walking. You cheer for our team on good days and bad. You always see the positives to everything in life. You sing songs that people said you would never be able to remember, you dance in-between innings to keep the crowd and the teams spirit up when we may be down. You never give up on what you believe in and you work hard every day to strive to overcome the obstacles that have been put in your way. You inspire me to see the good in every situation and you made me believe in something again. You always tell me, "There is hope" and I know that every day that hope is you. You have taught me to stay strong and never give up on myself, to keep moving forward in any situation, and to never let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve greatness. Thank you for the utmost support and love. The Softball team here at Concordia and myself are the lucky ones to have you as a constant light, and positive energy on the coldest days. You inspire us to be great. The CUW Softball team and I love you until the end of time.

Allison #7