photo by Morgan Bolz
photo by Morgan Bolz

Falcon Fun Facts: Ben Gramarossa

MEQUON, Wis. -- In an effort to learn more about our student-athletes, will post Falcon Fun Facts articles (questions and answers) over the next three months to give you, the fan, an insight into our student-athletes.

Ben Gramarossa (Men's Lacrosse)
Senior | Midfielder | Smithtown, N.Y.

What are your future professional career plans after graduating?
I am working on finding a job in New York City working for a high-end sports marketing firm or a professional sports team.

How did you get started in lacrosse and why do you love the sport so much?
My friend told me I should try it out when I was in middle school, so I tried it and loved it. I love the high intensity and fast-paced aspect of the game.

You are a faceoff specialist, how did you learn the position?
When I was on JV in 10th grade we didn't have a faceoff guy, so my coach held a mini-tournament within our team and the winner was going to take faceoffs for the year and I won. Ever since then I've been taking faceoffs and have been practicing that position.

What is the coolest place you have ever been to?
Caribbean islands

If you weren't a lacrosse player, what sport would you play and why?
I'd be a hockey player because it's another fast-paced game, just on ice.

Would you rather be itchy or sticky for the rest of your life?
Itchy because being sticky would be gross.

Would you rather have the hiccups for the rest of your life or always feel like you needed to sneeze?
Always feel like I needed to sneeze. Hiccups are brutal.

If you were in a band, what kind of music would you play?

If you had to run away from everyone where would you hide?
In the mountains upstate New York.

If you had to be one cartoon character, which would you choose and why?
SpongeBob SquarePants because living underwater while being a sponge would be cool.

Would you abandon your phone, internet, family or friends for three months for a prize of 1 million dollars?
Internet. I could survive without social media and other technology.

How do you feel about clowns?
I hate clowns because they freak me out.

What is one thing you always forget?
To charge my phone.

What makes you laugh more than anything?
My dad because he thinks he still is living in the 70/80s.

What is the best gift you have ever received and why?
1) For Christmas a few years ago I received a surprise snowboarding trip to Colorado with my friend.
2) For my 21st birthday, my girlfriend surprised me with New York Yankees tickets and invited all of our friends.