Sabres too strong for CUW

Sabres too strong for CUW

Ozaukee Ice Center

Winless Concordia gave Marian all they could handle, but the talented visitors broke a 4-4 third period tie and defeated CUW 7-4 last evening.

Brad Lukasz and Jonathon Smith scored in rapid succession for the Falcons midway through the final period to bring Concordia back to even before the Sabres (8-2 in the league) owned the final five minutes of action.

Statistically it was a one-sided affair with Marian owning a 70-23 shot advantage, but much of came during a 36-3 "shots on goal" first period that was played almost exclusively in front of Concordia goalie Mike Wyenn.

Incredibly Tony Hrkac's skaters trailed only 2-1 after that session as Wyenn knocked away 34 of those efforts.

The Falcons caught up to the speed of the game after that...until the closing five minutes.